“One word in particular springs to mind, mesmerizing. Heidi Bunting's Matter [performed by: Alida Nyquist-Schultz] combines elements of power, suspense, and technique to deliver an absolutely breathtaking performance. Flawless lines are interspersed with phrases dedicated to specific parts of the body, creating a seamless tapestry of movement.”
Robyn Harris, Alberta Dance Festival, Calgary, AB, Sep 2012
“Bunting's movements were slow but arresting. Her gaze, catching and holding the viewer's eye, was intense and had the affect of drawing the viewer into the performance... Most significantly Bunting's performance made me admire her strength of movement and presence in her own body.“
Visualize Festival, Edmonton, AB, Sep 2012
“Bunting danced an interesting study of balance, energy, grace and humour. It was a moving and surprisingly intimate sketch of a richly gifted woman... But while Bunting can put together a rigorous collage of modern movement with considerable talent, it's the idiosyncratic human touches that mark her work. The abstract picture altered by camp movement snapshots — butts swiveling in psuedo-Fosse moves, confrontational-Sailor-Moon postures directed at the audience.“
Pamela Anthony, Edmonton Journal, Jan 2001
“She moves with the speed of lightening, her work is so complex and intricate that it takes a number of viewings to fully appreciate all the rich layering.“
Bobbi Westman, interview, Edmonton Journal, 2004
“There isn't any of this type of work in Edmonton, maybe not even in Canada.“
Karen Guttman, interview, See Magazine, Jan 2004
“The rest of the evening belonged to Heidi Bunting and her off-kilter sense of humour and her energetic passion for dance composition... The ability to pull humour and abandon from dance's technical concerns is something for which Bunting has an unerring gleeful knack“.
Pamela Anthony, Edmonton Journal, Dec 1998
“The dancers in her work are expected to move with total control, reckless abandon, and then a finesse of personal gesture. This amalgamation of two distinct qualities makes Heidi's dance uniquely hers.“
Brian Webb, interview, Vue Weekly, Dec 9, 1998
“I particularly liked Heidi Bunting, whose solo in Portraits had impressive weight and clarity.“
David Vaughn, Dance Magazine, May 1975
“I was particularly taken with Heidi Bunting, who displays a formidable classical technique without in the least making it an issue."
Doris Hering, Dance Magazine, Jul 1977
“The bright-eyed, athletic Heidi Bunting keeps stealing your attention with her up-front energy.“
Tobi Tobias, Dance Magazine, Jun 1978
“First, Heidi Bunting, a lavender lady filling the space with joy and sorrow in her own solo piece, Adagio ma non Troppo... claiming every crevice of the gallery, pouring her own essence into the space through strong, dramatically lovely shapes, motions and images, when she left the room it returned to it's own neutralness.“
Joan Pikula, Dance Magazine, Feb 1975